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How To Join

In order to become a member you must be a member of the NRA and file an application with the membership chairman. The club has a limited membership and usually has waiting list which is in postmark order. In other words, when we receive an application we put the applicant next on the waiting list.


The club requires that you be recommended by two members. For those that are new to the area and do not know anyone who is a member we urge them to participate in our club events that are open to the public. In this way they get to know the membership and we get to know the applicant. This affords a new applicant a way to get the necessary recommendations that are needed for the membership application.


The membership year runs from January 1 to December 31. Dues and fees are due in the month January. There is an initiation fee of $600 with three options of payment as well as annual dues. Each year members must donate five hours of work to the club. For additional information please contact Membership Chairman at [email protected]


If you are interested in becoming a member please fill out the electronic application with a $50 payment by clicking here.


The position of your application on the membership list will be in order of the payment date. Hand delivery of this form and check will not be accepted.


You will be required to attend one of two consecutive monthly regular club meetings at which time your application will be read and you will be introduced to the membership. It is also mandatory that you attend a club safety/orientation meeting before you receive your club credentials.


Club meetings are held at 7:30 PM on the second Thursday of each month at the Clubhouse on Gibson Hill Road in Chester, New York.