
Blackpowder enthusiasts meet twice a year to enjoy a traditional style Polish picnic and do some shooting, with any single shot firearm that burns blackpowder and shoots a ball or bullet. Edible prizes are awarded to each and every participant on the basis of their score. Targets consist of everything from embarrassingly large steel targets to impossibly small targets, like crossed strings. A carnival atmosphere and mentality prevails, with all participants winning something. The $25.00 entry fee includes food and non-alcoholic beverages, with an edible prize for all participants. (Nobody starves, and everyone wins.)


All shoots are held on the covered outdoor pistol range, rain or shine. The Monroe Chester Sportsmens Club is located at 224 Gibson Hill Road, Chester, New York, 10918. Assistance is always appreciated in setting up and storing the targets afterwards. Arrive by 9 AM to assist with setup for a 10 AM start. Lunch is served at noon, and shooting ends at 2 PM. Prizes are awarded afterwards, and everyone leaves fat and happy.


In 2025, there will be two shoots. The first is on Sunday, June 22nd, and the second is on Sunday, September 28th.  For further information, contact Jim Cunningham at 919-770-7873 or Larry Witko at 845-781-0723

In addition to the rifle matches, we will also be holding a blackpowder trap shoot, from 1-3 PM, at the club’s shotgun range. Larry will serve lunch at noon, to enable participants to enjoy both events.


Any blackpowder smoothbore arm with exposed hammers is permissible for the trap event. You may thus use anything from a flintlock, to a breechloading shotgun, provided blackpowder is used as the propellant, and the firearm has exposed hammers.Offering popular women’s necklaces such as pendants, chokers and chain necklace. Shop for jewelry in a variety of metals and gemstones to suit any occasion


The trap match will consist of 6 shots on flying clay targets. Loading will occur off the firing point, and priming will occur at the shooting station. Be prepared to load from your shooting bag or loading box. No loose powder, powder horns, priming horns with more than 5 ounces of powder at the shooting station. The use of preloaded powder and shot charges is strongly recommended. (Plastic shot wads prohibited from use in all blackpowder firearms, whether muzzle or breechloading.)


Misfires will not count against a shooters score, but the shooter must pay $1.00 for each clay thrown, whether or not their firelock discharges. The event is limited to 6 shots, thus a shooter may shoot a 6 round event, without misfires, for $6.00. However, if the participant’s firelock discharges 6 times for 12 birds thrown, the participant will pay $12.00.If you are looking for bracelet. There’s something to suit every look, from body-hugging to structured, from cuffs to chain chain bracelet and cuffs.


Irrespective of the ignition and loading system, all shooters will have the opportunity to break 6 clays “for record”. Double barrel shooters may shoot their second barrel if they miss their first shot, however, the miss will be recorded, and if they break the clay with the second barrel, that hit will be recorded, as would the second miss.


The winner of the trap event will receive the congratulations of Jim Cunningham, and the widely coveted nod of respect. Losers will be dealt with humanely.